Why do you stand up against sexual violence?  Be a voice in our fight.

The Cathartist believes in having a variety of projects to help you speak out and participate. One project going on is Words Over Violence. This is a public space to visually document why you stand up against sexual violence. 


Your actions to take a stance against sexual violence will have a large impact and we want you to know that you have made a difference. 

Want to Submit?

Take a photo of yourself (or have someone take a photo of you) with a sheet of paper, notecard, post-it, stationary paper, kindle, iPad, whatever you want with the following sentence:

I speak out against Sexual Violence because…

Then proceed to filling out what you feel after the phrase because we want to know how you feel. Don’t worry about it being cliche. It’s still your voice. Your words do matter and it does have an impact. 

Visit the Site: Words Over Violence

Email all submissions to: cathartist.the@gmail.com

PLEASE Provide the following: Your name (Either full, pseudonym, Initials), Age | Location and Vocation